Tired of dealing with unreliable people on Ebay, OfferUp, Craigslist, and so many more? Our popular swapmeets are a good way to buy and sell old radios and chat with others who have similar interests. The club’s talented and experienced members can help with your restoration projects and save you online shipping costs. Young or old, new to radio or old-timer, we welcome all.

2024 Radio Meet Dates Determined!  *Annual Dues Are Now $25.00 (Still a bargain)*

Mark your calendar for these upcoming swap meets:

Spring Phoenix Swap Meet: April 6th, 2024 08:00 AM – Noon: Day Spring Arcade Church parking lot, 3530 N. 32nd Street Phoenix, AZ 85018 (This meet is outside so please bring your own chairs and tables)


Summer Phoenix Swap Meet: June 1st, 2024 08:00 AM – Noon: Day Spring Arcade Church parking lot, 3530 N. 32nd Street Phoenix, AZ 85018 (This meet is outside so please bring your own chairs and tables)
